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Reflecting back, 2022 has been a productive year. It brought with it many changes and challenges, but also brought back some of the normalcy the industry has not experienced over the past two years since the onslaught of the pandemic. Conferences have returned to face-to-face meetings, allowing for the sought-after personalized approach to business. It has been a time to reflect, strategize and rebuild as we all came to the realization that business as we once knew it has forever changed.
In 2023, the DAIC/dicardiology.com team looks to enhance its educational offerings to build the resources you need and have been asking for. We are pleased to share some of the new initiatives we have planned for the upcoming year, and are encouraging you to actively participate in this journey. Feel free to reach out to me at melinda.taschetta-millane@wainscotmedia.com with your thoughts and ideas. Here is what we have in store for 2023.
Podcast Series
We will be debuting a new podcast series that will feature audio interviews with cardiology pioneers, mentors, icons and rising stars. What topics would you like to hear about in our new series?
Leadership Series
DAIC/dicardiology.com is developing a new CMO/CEO video leadership series. Are you an industry leader with valuable advice to share, or is there a leader you would like to nominate?
Face-to-face Physician Profiles
The DAIC/dicardiology.com team will be profiling a leading physician in a quick and fast-read Q&A format. Do you have a nominee you’d like to see profiled?
Mentor/Mentee Profiles
The editorial team is kicking off a new Mentor/Mentee column that asks an under 40 professional “who is your mentor and what is your burning question for this person?” We will contact both the mentor and mentee for this unique column. Whether you are the mentor or the mentee, we’d like to share your story.
Special Edition Supplements
And finally, we plan to create focused supplements that go in-depth on a particular topic. Do you have an idea for a special supplement? Be sure to let us know!