September 18, 2013 – Simbionix USA Corp. released the Endovascular Basic Skills training module for the ANGIO Mentor simulator. The Simbionix ANGIO Mentor is a virtual-reality training simulator that provides hands-on practice in a simulated environment for endovascular procedures. An expanding library of modules supports the acquisition and honing of procedural skills to build confidence and proficiency in various endovascular techniques and procedures.
The Endovascular Basic Skills module is intended for residents or fellows who wish to acquire essential wire-catheter and imaging skills. It is set in a game-like environment and will allow training in a user friendly, enjoyable and safe setting. It allows physicians to learn and practice on both non-anatomical and anatomical vascular models in an interactive and challenging setting. This module is relevant for the following disciplines: vascular surgery, interventional radiology, interventional cardiology, interventional neuroradiology, neuro surgery, cardiothoracic surgery and trauma.
"The basic skills module allows us to teach the essential technical skills required across all endovascular intervention practice without compromising patient safety. It enables the resident or fellow to train independently in his free time, repeating the task as necessary to improve his assessment results. The teaching physician can then use the data provided by the system to assess the trainee and generate his learning curve over time, as well as compare him to a cohort of his peers," stated Jean Bismuth, M.D., assistant professor and vascular surgeon at the Houston’s Methodist DeBakey Heart and Vascular Center.
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