October 5, 2009 - Philips Healthcare rolled out a new upgrade program for its Allura Xper family of cardiovascular X-ray devices, which includes remote technologies for remote proactive support, enabling Philips to automatically monitor each system and send alerts when issues arise. This helps to identify and resolve potential issues quickly – in some cases before the clinician is even aware of the problem.
The complimentary upgrade will be provided globally to more than 2,000 customers with customer service agreements. All other Philips Cardiovascular customers will be able to purchase this upgrade.
For users in North America, the solution goes one step further. With Remote Desktop, customer service teams are able to take control of systems and guide customers through the required steps for enhanced application support over the phone.
In addition, the upgrade puts systems on the latest technology platform, giving clinicians the opportunity to add a suite of new applications that will help to further enhance clinical workflow.
With the number of patients requiring interventional procedures continuing to grow, there is increasing pressure on interventional clinicians to work more efficiently. Ensuring maximum uptime of Cardiovascular X-ray systems is key to maintaining a smooth clinical workflow.
Following the upgrade, the Allura Xper system will be ready for the latest advanced tools to further enhance patient care, including:
? XperGuide: CT-like soft tissue imaging providing live 3D needle image guidance during percutaneous needle interventions in the angio lab
? XperSwing: an automated dual-axis rotational angiography option allowing acquisition of all desired anatomical projections in a single run, which can help to reduce dose and contrast medium
? FlexVisionXL: a new viewing concept with a 56-inch (125 cm) LCD screen that enables clinicians to display multiple, sharp images simultaneously in their own preferred size and layout
For more information: www.medical.philips.com