October 22, 2007 – IVUS integrated on GE Healthcare’s X-ray cath lab imaging system cut procedure time by up to 40 percent when compared to procedures performed on another GE Healthcare Innova using Volcano’s S5 standalone IVUS system, according to a time-motion study conducted at Providence Heart Institute in Columbia, SC, and presented at TCT 2007.
The study spanned approximately 50 interventional coronary cases, found the Innova IVUS cuts procedure time by up to 40 percent. The study compared total IVUS procedure time, including preparation, actual procedure, measurement and case closure, on GE Healthcare’s Innova 2100IQ with Innova IVUS to that performed on another GE Healthcare Innova using Volcano’s S5 standalone IVUS system. The average time saved using the integrated Innova IVUS over 50 cases was 2.5 minutes from an average total procedure time of 6 minutes.
The study focused on cases performed by Providence Heart interventional cardiologists Michael Foster, M.D., and Patrick Hall, M.D. The two doctors found the time savings due to Innova IVUS came both from a reduced preparation time and reduced procedure time.
“The time savings is truly significant, particularly when a patient is on the table undergoing an invasive procedure such as stent placement,” said Dr. Foster.
GE Healthcare is including IVUS cabling in all new Innova lab installations. Since the infrastructure is installed during the lab’s build-out, full integration of IVUS into the interventional lab is possible, should a customer choose to purchase the Innova IVUS system from GE Healthcare.
Innova IVUS is based on Volcano’s new s5i PC-based platform that reduces the size, weight and noise of the older-generation IVUS consoles. This allows the unit’s placement in the control room, outside of the daily traffic pattern of the cath lab. With the integration that Innova IVUS offers, clinicians have the ability to further control the IVUS system through a variety of control devices located near the patient, from the control room, or both. Clinicians also enjoy the flexibility to view IVUS images on the monitor bank and/or on a monitor in the control room.
For more information: www.gehealthcare.com
News | October 24, 2007