May 22, 2009 - CPC of America Inc. filed its first patent of a synthetic sealant for the MedClose Vascular Closure System (VCS), which is an internal puncture-closing system for use in percutaneous intravascular diagnostic and interventional procedures.
The company plans to file patents for more intellectual properties for formulations of synthetic sealants in the MedClose VCS vascular closure product line, which initially will be designed for use with 6-9 Fr. applications.
The MedClose VCS device consists of two parts - a delivery system to release the sealant to the puncture site and the synthetic sealant itself.
The sealing compound is currently undergoing tests in animals. The company said the animal testing to date is not conclusive, but it is pleased with the preliminary results. The company hopes the development of the sealant will resolve outstanding issues with the FDA concerning the company’s application for an investigational device exemption.
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