Molecular Imaging

Molecular imaging is a diagnostic imaging procedure that provides detailed images of how the body is funtioning at the molecular and cellular level. It also includes nuclear imaging.

News | Coronavirus (COVID-19)

June 1, 2020 — While acknowledging the challenges their specialty is facing, more than two-thirds of respondents to an A ...

Home June 01, 2020
Videos | Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Stephen Bloom, M.D., FASNC, director of nonivasive cardiology (cardiac CT, nuclear cardiology and echocardiography) at M ...

Home April 18, 2020
Cardiac Imaging Best Practices During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Cardiology imaging societies issue guidelines on how to handle patient imaging under virus precautions. #COVID19 #SARScov2
Feature | Coronavirus (COVID-19) | Dave Fornell, Editor

Cases of acute cardiovascular disease and cardiac complications caused by COVID-19 require cardiovascular imaging ...

Home April 18, 2020
This is one of the images from the NIH photo gallery of COVID-19 images it has captured as part of its research on the virus. The full gallery can be found at #COVID19 #SARScov2
Feature | Coronavirus (COVID-19) | By Dave Fornell and Melinda Taschetta-Millane

In an effort to keep the imaging field updated on the latest information being released on coronavirus (COVID-19), the D ...

Home May 04, 2020
Videos | Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Hicham Skali, M.D., a staff cardiologist and member of the Non-invasive Cardiovascular Imaging Program at Brigham and ...

Home April 04, 2020
News | Coronavirus (COVID-19) | Dave Fornell, Editor

April 3, 2020 — A new guidance document on best practices to maintain safety and minimize contamination in nuclear ...

Home April 03, 2020
News | Cardiac Diagnostics

March 5, 2020 — More than 300 patients have joined the Amyloidosis Patient Registry and it is now available to the ...

Home March 05, 2020
Rupa Sanghani, M.D., FASNC, director of Rush's nuclear cardiology and stress laboratory, explaining to ASNC 2019 attendees how Rush implemented its program during a tour of its PET-CT suite.
Feature | PET-CT | Dave Fornell, Editor

As hospital imaging departments look to replace aging nuclear scanners with updated technology, many are asking if ...

Home February 19, 2020
Why Structured Reporting is Needed in Cardiology
Feature | Cardiovascular Information Systems (CVIS)

Cardiology was already heavily data driven, where clinical practice is driven by clinical study data, but mining a ...

Home January 23, 2020
This is 4MD’s cardiac nuclear imaging analysis software, shown here integrated with a ScImage cardiovascular information system (CVIS). Both companies displayed on the expo floor at ASNC 2019. The software creates a single page report seen here. PET perfusion imaging was a big topics at the conference. #ASNC #ASNC19 #ASNC2019
Feature | Nuclear Imaging | Dave Fornell, Editor

There were a few key takeaways from the American Society of Nuclear Cardiology (ASNC) 2019 annual meeting in September ...

Home November 22, 2019
Videos | Nuclear Imaging

Rob Beanlands, M.D., FASNC, 2019 American Society of Nuclear Cardiology (ASNC) president, shares a couple trends he sees ...

Home November 07, 2019
Videos | Nuclear Imaging

Robert C. Hendel, M.D., explains some of the new cardiac radiotracers in the pipeline that were discussed in sessions at ...

Home November 06, 2019
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