Information Technology

This channel includes news and new technology innovations for healthcare information technology (HIT) as it relates to cardiology reporting systems, cardiac PACS, electronic medical records, electronic health records, EMRs, EHRs, radiology PACS integration, clinical decision support, advaned imaging visualization, analytics software and cybersecurity.

News | PACS

August 16, 2017 — ScImage Inc. was recently awarded a new DIN-PACS IV (Digital Imaging Network/Picture Archiving and ...

Home August 16, 2017
The FDA is concerned about cybersecurity of ICDs and cyber security of other medical devices.
Feature | Cybersecurity | Dave Fornell

There is growing concern among patients and regulators that medical devices, especially implantable electrophysiology ...

Home August 16, 2017

August 10, 2017 — CDN recently announced a new partnership agreement with DiA Imaging Analysis Ltd., makers of next ...

Home August 10, 2017
News | Ultrasound Imaging

August 9, 2017 — Clarius Mobile Health has released advanced features and options for its wireless handheld ultrasound ...

Home August 09, 2017
Webinar | Medical 3-D Printing

Learn how 3-D printing empowers medical device manufacturer Medtronic to bring products to market faster, develop better ...

Home August 09, 2017
Technology | Radiation Dose Management

August 7, 2017 — Virtual Phantoms Inc. announced the release of VirtualDoseIR, a tool for assessing organ dose from inte ...

Home August 07, 2017
News | Artificial Intelligence

August 7, 2017 — Xavier University has launched the Xavier Center for Artificial Intelligence (AI), a pioneering effort ...

Home August 07, 2017
News | Information Technology

July 28, 2017 — Nuance Communications Inc. provided an update on its restoration process following the previously ...

Home July 28, 2017
Wearable monitors create patient generated health data, PGHD, that can help prevent acute care episodes in heart failure.
Feature | Heart Failure | Lola Koktysh
Despite their best efforts, many patients tend to develop heart failure after an acute event (e.g., a heart attack or a ...
Home July 25, 2017
News | Cardiovascular Information Systems (CVIS)

July 24, 2017 — ScImage Inc. recently announced West Virginia University Health System has partnered with ScImage to ...

Home July 24, 2017
Technology | Remote Viewing Systems

July 24, 2017 — TomTec Zero is the latest addition to the TomTec portfolio. Now every physician reading cardiovascular ...

Home July 24, 2017
News | Clinical Decision Support

July 18, 2017 — National Decision Support Company announced the full qualification of its CareSelect Platform as a Quali ...

Home July 18, 2017
News | Radiation Dose Management

July 17, 2017 — Ionizing radiation, such as X-rays, has a harmful effect on the cardiovascular system even at doses ...

Home July 17, 2017
Automated medical imaging views using deep learning, artificial intelligence, Philips Epiq
Feature | Artificial Intelligence | Oksana Bandura

Medical image analysis based on artificial intelligence (AI) employ convolutional neural networks, support vector ...

Home July 17, 2017
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