This channel includes news and new technology innovations ECG, electrocardiogram systems. These systems are also referred to as EKG, or eletrokardiogram from the original German term, where ECG was first developed. The channel includes news on standard diagnostic ECG systems, ECG management systems, defibrillator-monitors, Holter technology, and remote and wearable ECG patient monitoring. 

News | ECG Wireless Remote Access

August 24, 2018 — U.S. Expeditions and Explorations (USX) and Cardiac Insight Inc. announced the successful completion ...

Home August 24, 2018
Technology | Wearables

August 15, 2018 — iBeat recently announced the release and shipping of its iBeat Heart Watch. The heart and blood flow ...

Home August 15, 2018
Technology | Cardiac Rehabilitation

July 23, 2018 — The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has granted 510(k) clearance for the PocketECG Cardiac ...

Home July 24, 2018
News | Remote Monitoring

July 24, 2018 - Diagnostic and consumer healthcare remote monitoring technology company Biotricity Inc. has completed ...

Home July 24, 2018
Blog | Remote Monitoring

There is a movement toward real-time, remote cardiac monitoring with the latest generation of event and Holter monitor ...

Home June 20, 2018
Blog | ECG Wireless Remote Access

There is a shift occurring in remote ECG monitoring technology used in Holters and cardiac event recorders that may help ...

Home June 06, 2018
Blog | ECG Wireless Remote Access

New patient monitoring technologies with wireless connectivity have enabled a revolution in cardiac event and Holter ...

Home May 23, 2018
Heart Rhythm Society (HRS) live electrophysiology (EP) procedure case at the 2018 annual meeting. #HRS2018
Feature | HRS | Dave Fornell

Here is an aggregation of all the news and late-breaking studies presented at the 2018 Heart Rhythm Society (HRS) Scient ...

Home May 18, 2018
News | EP Lab

May 16, 2018 — A new study is the first to validate the accuracy of wrist-worn wearable devices in measuring induced ...

Home May 16, 2018
News | ECG Monitoring Services

May 9, 2018 – Medicalgorithmics S.A. will present the results of a large study evaluating online versus offline electroc ...

Home May 09, 2018
News | ECG Monitoring Services

May 8, 2018 — Bardy Diagnostics Inc. (BardyDx) announced that the American Heart Journal has published the results of a ...

Home May 08, 2018
News | ECG

April 27, 2018 — HeartSciences announced the results of a clinical study of its electrocardiography device that applies ...

Home April 27, 2018
Blog | Cardiac Diagnostics


The show floors at the American College of Cardiology (ACC) 2018 meeting in March and at the Heart Rhythm Society ...

Home May 10, 2018
News | Wearables

March 19, 2018 — For people at heightened risk for atrial fibrillation (AFib), a common heart rhythm disorder that also ...

Home March 19, 2018
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