
March 12, 2010 – A new advanced visualization technology in development allows clinicians to automatically apply supercomputing algorithms for the analysis of internal organs, vessels, tumors and other regions of interest in multiple dimensions, from 2D to 5D, including data set animations. Ziosoft Inc.

Home March 12, 2010
Feature | Dave Fornell

Organizers of the 2010 ACC Annual Scientific Session, March 13–16 in Atlanta, recently highlighted some of the changes to this year’s program. On Saturday, March 13, the ACC is hosting the Atlanta event, which is a public heart health clinic. Patients will be screened for blood pressure, diabetes weight and will be provided general information on how to stay healthy.

Home March 12, 2010

March 12, 2010 – A rotational thrombectomy system has been indicated for mechanical declotting of occluded native vessel dialysis fistulae and synthetic dialysis access grafts. Argon Medical Devices Inc. will lead all marketing and distribution efforts for the Cleaner Rotational Thrombectomy System from Rex Medical L.P. in the United States, European Union and Canada.

Home March 12, 2010
Feature | By Dan Whalen, analyst, Millennium Research Group

Atrial fibrillation (AF) is a precursor to a number of serious cardiovascular complications, including stroke. The increasing prevalence and cost of treating these cardiovascular complications has prompted the medical community to take a closer look at treating AF, and as a result, device treatment of the condition is expanding by leaps and bounds.

Home March 11, 2010
Feature | Dave Fornell

Interventional procedures such as stenting and atherectomy knock loose plaque, causing complications downstream, including stroke. This concern is particularly important in carotid artery stenting, where vessels offer a direct path to the brain.

Home March 11, 2010
Feature | Brian D. Hoit, M.D., professor of medicine, physiology and biophysics, Case Western Reserve University

Since the introduction of cardiac ultrasound, investigators have sought to quantify cardiac function in three dimensions. The recent development of a new technology called 3D wall motion tracking (3DWMT), which displays quantitative echo data from 3D ultrasound data sets, has tremendous potential to more accurately evaluate ventricular function in a wide variety of cardiovascular diseases.

Home March 11, 2010
Case Study

Peninsula Regional Medical Center is a 358-bed facility serving the Delmarva Peninsula region of Delaware and the eastern shore of Maryland and Virginia. As the leading cardiovascular referral center in an increasingly competitive area, it gained an advantage by enabling cardiologists and referral facilities to send and receive DICOM images via the Internet.

Home March 11, 2010

March 11, 2010 – The FDA has cleared the first low-profile, premounted, balloon-expandable stent system for use in treating iliac artery disease. The Express LD Iliac Stent is designed to be highly deliverable, and balance strength, flexibility and conformability.

Home March 11, 2010

March 11, 2010 - A new PET/CT (postitron emission tomography/computed tomography) system provides imaging for both the clinical areas of both radiology and oncology.

Home March 11, 2010

March 11, 2010 – The FDA cleared a new family of introducers which offer features intended to minimize trauma to the artery and set the stage for closure using a closure device. The products also recently gained European CE mark approval.

Home March 11, 2010

Vascular Solutions offers a variety of hemostasis products used to stop bleeding. D-Stat products rely on biologically active components to induce bleeding cessation.The products use thrombin, a natural component of the clotting cascade. Thrombin cleaves fibrinogen to fibrin, enhancing the body's own ability to produce clot. D-Stat Dry

Home March 11, 2010

March 12, 2010 – In partnership with the American College of Cardiology (ACC), Philips is spotlighting the growing need for hybrid cath labs with a specialty exhibit during ACC 2010 March 14-16 in Atlanta.

Home March 11, 2010

Vytorin is a medicine used to lower levels of total cholesterol, LDL (bad) cholesterol, and fatty substances called triglycerides in the blood. The prescription-only medication is intended for patients who cannot control their cholesterol levels by diet and exercise alone.

Home March 10, 2010

March 10, 2010 - To help clinicians communicate about radiation dose exposure during radiological procedures, a new dose-saving solution for use in interventional radiology procedures is now available.

Home March 10, 2010

Unlike the most common cholesterol-lowering medicines, statins, that work mainly in the liver, a new drug attempts to fight cholesterol by focusing on the digestive tract.

Home March 10, 2010
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