
November 23, 2010 - A new technique that combines the heat and energy of ultrasound with the highly targeted delivery of clot-busting drugs appears to be effective at treating patients with acute massive pulmonary embolism (PE). The new treatment, called ultrasound-accelerated catheter-directed thrombolysis (CDT), was developed by the Ekos Corporation.

Home November 23, 2010

Exam-Link is a regional health information organization (RHIO) image-sharing platform from CoActiv. The LINK provides ...

Home November 22, 2010

November 22, 2010 – At the VEITHsymposium, physicians debated whether stents are usually required in the endovenous treatment of chronic venous disease. Seshadri Raju M.D., professor emeritus of surgery at the University of Mississippi Medical Center in Flowood, Miss., said that detectable iliac vein stenosis is present in more than 90 percent of cases of chronic venous disease (CVD).

Home November 22, 2010

November 22, 2010 – A new whole-body, integrated magnetic resonance imaging/positron emission tomography (MRI/PET) system is capable of simultaneous data acquisition.

Home November 22, 2010

November 22, 2010 - An implantable medical device used in the minimally invasive treatment of abdominal aortic aneurysms delivered strong results through one year of patient follow-up in a U.S. pivotal study. The trial data, which was presented at the VEITHsymposium, looked at the Endurant Stent Graft System, by Medtronic.

Home November 22, 2010

November 22, 2010 – Data presented at the American Heart Association’s Scientific Sessions 2010 showed that percutaneous renal nerve ablation reduces blood pressure. The data, which was also published in The Lancet was from the Symplicity HTN-2 trial and looked at Ardian’s Symplicity Catheter System.

Home November 22, 2010

November 22, 2010 – The first noninvasive cardiovascular monitor with blood pressure and cardiac output measurements has been cleared by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The ccNexfin, by BMEYE B.V., combines the company’s noninvasive technology with Masimo rainbow SET Pulse CO-Oximetry for continuous hemoglobin and oxygen saturation monitoring.

Home November 22, 2010

November 19, 2010 – A new cloud-based 3-D advanced visualization and decision support system was introduced at the VEITHsymposium. The Gore 3-D Imaging System is powered by TeraRecon intuition Cloud Technology, and lets physicians simply drag and drop image files to a secure server.

Home November 19, 2010

November 18, 2010 – After the initial findings from the CREST trial, debate continues to swirl as proponents of both carotid endarterectomy (CEA) and carotid angioplasty and stenting (CAS) claim superiority for their preferred intervention.

Home November 18, 2010

November 18, 2010 – The Society of Cardiovascular Computed Tomography (SCCT) has collaborated with the American College of Cardiology Foundation (ACCF), the American Heart Association (AHA) and other societies on the 2010 ACCF/AHA Guideline for assessing cardiovascular risk in asymptomatic adults. The guidelines were published at the American Heart Association’s Scientific Sessions.

Home November 18, 2010

November 18, 2010 – In the trial of 1,623 patients with coronary heart disease (CHD) or CHD risk equivalents, an investigational CETP inhibitor showed no significant differences from placebo in the primary safety measures studied. Researchers this week presented results from the phase III DEFINE study with Merck's CETP inhibitor, anacetrapib.

Home November 18, 2010

November 17, 2010 – A lunch symposium detailing the evidence for simulation in medical training and other fields will be sponsored by W.L. Gore and Associates at the VEITHsymposium. The EVEResT (European Virtual Reality Endovascular Research Team) lunch symposium will take place Nov. 19 from 12:00 to 1:00 p.m. in the Gramercy A room, second floor.

Home November 17, 2010

November 17, 2010 – Chronic heart failure patients treated with eplerenone (Inspra) experienced a significant reduction in risk of cardiovascular death or heart failure hospitalizations. The data comes from the EMPHASIS-HF trial, which compared Pfizer’s drug to placebo and standard therapy in patients with mild symptoms.

Home November 17, 2010

November 17, 2010 – Data from the ADVANCE bridge-to-heart-transplant study showed that 92 percent of patients were either alive on the implanted device, had a heart transplant or explanted for recovery. The study looked at the HeartWare Ventricular Assist System at 180 days.

Home November 17, 2010

November 17, 2010 – Atrial fibrillation (AFib) patients treated with catheter ablation reported fewer symptoms and improved quality of life, according to data from Circulation Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes. The patients, who were treated with Biosense Webster’s NaviStar ThermoCool catheter, were compared with patients treated with antiarrhythmia drugs.

Home November 17, 2010
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