April 9, 2009 - PQRST Global Technologies displayed its VITUS telecardiology platform to share data, images and ECGs this week at HIMSS 20009 in Chicago.
PQRST provides a telecardiology system to share cardiac patient data via the telephone, Internet or intranet with cardiac specialists located anywhere. The cardiology module for VITUS is specific to the cardiac department, recording vital ECG, BP, pulse and SPO2 information at a remote location, which is viewable instantaneously, at any specialty hospital for remote consultations. Devices that have output through serial/USB interfaces can be integrated with this module.
The system provides simple recording, monitoring and simultaneous transmission of 12-leads of ECG data, in real time and allows the cardiologists to view and report. The data is also simultaneously stored in a centralized server for retrieval and reporting later.
The server-based solution allows it to be scaled up and allows simultaneous access by remote and specialist doctors using a standard Windows operating system with an Internet Explorer browser. The streaming algorithm enables the ECG data transmission and reception even on low bandwidth such as dial up or CDMA connection. This is especially useful in remote location where broadband connectivity is not available. This would also enable a specialist to access the information outside a hospital.
The graphic user interface (GUI) allows customization and can easily be configured to specific needs. It enables the specialist to access ECG data remotely even on a very low bandwidth through a secured login and maintains patient confidentiality.
The monitoring system allows a patient at home or in a hospital to be monitored by a specialist from his office or his residence. A heart patient recovering from surgery in intensive care can be monitored by the cardiologist in her office or even from home, the company said.
The system includes the VITUS Electronic Patient Health Record (EHR/EMR), VITUS PACS for storage, retrieval, distribution and presentation of images, and VITUS DICOM viewer for handling, storing, printing, and transmitting information in medical imaging.
For more information: www.pqrstglobal.com