The Human Patient Simulator (HPS) – a computer-model-driven, full-sized mannequin – delivers experience in true-to-life scenarios that swiftly change to meet instructors’ goals. The sophisticated and versatile HPS blinks, speaks and breathes, has a heartbeat and a pulse, and accurately mirrors human responses to such procedures as CPR, intravenous medication, intubation, ventilation and catheterization.
This is possible through a marriage of “high touch” with “high tech.” The mannequin exhibits clinical signals so lifelike that students have been known to cry when it “dies.” The system has an array of intricately programmed systems — cardiovascular, pulmonary, pharmacological, metabolic, genitourinary (male and female) and neurological — and provides an easily controlled teaching laboratory where students can practice again and again.
Medical Education Technologies Inc. (METI)