News | April 21, 2008

Defibtech AEDs Meet New AHA ''Hands-Only'' CPR Guidelines

April 22, 2008 - Defibtech's automated external defibrillators (AEDs) meet the American Heart Association's new hands-only CPR guidelines by providing voice prompts, the company said.

The new AHA guidelines emphasize the importance of calling for help and delivering hands-only CPR rather than conventional CPR, which includes mouth-to-mouth breaths. The AHA now recommends hands-only CPR because research shows that Americans not trained in CPR are more likely to perform hands-only CPR than conventional CPR. AHA research also found that those with CPR training find hands-only CPR easier to remember and perform with confidence.

Reportedly all Defibtech AEDs, including Lifeline and ReviveR automated external defibrillators, provide voice prompts to rescuers that are consistent with these latest AHA guidelines and are appropriate for both lay and professional users. If guidelines change in the future, Defibtech AEDs can be updated for free by users where the units are deployed.

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