News | February 17, 2010

Virtual Healthcare IT Conferences Series To Launch

February 16, 2010 — The first in a series of free Virtual Healthcare IT Conferences kicks off next week. The conference, will provide insights on achieving meaningful use of electronic health records, tied to the HITECH provision of President Barack Obama’s American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA), and how health IT technology can help propel organizations to exceptional achievements in the delivery of healthcare services.

At the conference, visitors will hear leading industry experts and peers discuss a broad array of topics related to health IT meaningful use, including computerized physician order entry (CPOE), interoperability, system certification, privacy, security and more.

“Given today’s reduced travel budgets and our commitment to staying engaged with our customers every step of the way during their journey from meaningful use of electronic health records to exceptional use, we chose the convenience of an Internet-based conference to keep in lock-step with our customers on the key provisions of the legislation,” said Janet Dillione, CEO, Health Services, Siemens Healthcare and co-keynote speaker for the ARRA virtual conference. “In this forum, participants will share insights on how policy, process design, and technology can be orchestrated to transform healthcare and create a more effective healthcare infrastructure.”

The second keynote speaker, John Glaser, Ph.D., who serves a dual role as advisor to the Office of the National Coordinator and CIO of Partners Healthcare, will share his unique perspective on the impact ARRA-HITECH (Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health Act) will have on healthcare providers as well as his vision for healthcare and the role IT will play in making that vision a reality.

The digital environment will be available online for 90 days and continually updated with new and relevant ARRA-related information as it becomes available. Conference attendees are encouraged to visit the conference Web site often for additional information.

The conference is being co-sponsored by Intel, as well as International Business Machines Corp (IBM) and EMC².

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