With an average satisfaction score of 4.5 out of 5 on security, cloud users feel safe. Non-cloud users though remain at bay-particularly with many questions still looming around the future of cloud computing in healthcare. The KLAS report titled Cloud Computing Perception 2013: The Hybrid Cloud in Healthcare looks at the evolution of the cloud in healthcare, provider concerns, as well as vendor performance.
Given the near-perfect satisfaction scores that cloud-users gave to their vendors, 66 percent of non-users surveyed said security was definitely the main issue stopping them from moving forward with adoption.
"The contrast in this report between cloud users and non-users is really telling." said Erik Westerlind, research director and report author. "It really helps providers and vendors get a sense of the gaps that exist within current cloud offerings. Furthermore, providers will understand which vendors might be able to resolve their concerns."
The rated vendors in this report are Allscripts, Cerner, and Siemens. To learn more about the cloud computing vendors and findings in this study as well as related reports that will publish in 2013, check out the full report, Cloud Computing Perception 2013: The Hybrid Cloud in Healthcare. For more information: www.KLASresearch.com/KLASreports