
This channel includes news and new technology innovations for wearable cardiac diagnostic systems. These include technologies related to smart phone apps, wearable monitors, consumer-grade wearables and medical grade FDA cleared wearables. A good overview on the future of these technologies can be found in this article.

News | Wearables

September 9, 2015 — SRI International and DataSpeaks Inc. announced that SRI has licensed the Science of Individuality ...

Home September 09, 2015
uberization of healthcare. Physicians are starting to "prescribe" smartphone apps to patients for education, tracking their health or to interface with wearable monitor devices. This physician is using an app created by the American College of Cardiology (ACC) to educate a patient about cardiac function.
Feature | Cardiovascular Business | Dave Fornell

Today, in a world of immediate access to information anywhere on the planet using a smartphone, consumers expect more ...

Home September 04, 2015
Technology | Patient Monitors

August 14, 2015 — Nonin Medical Inc. announced it has launched the NoninConnect Model 3230 Bluetooth Smart wireless fing ...

Home August 14, 2015
wearable sensors, Verizon, fitness trackers, smart watches
Feature | Wearables

July 13, 2015 - Wearable sensors are expected to play a big role in healthcare in the coming years, according to Verizon ...

Home July 13, 2015

July 8, 2015 - Masimo announced the CE Mark and full market release of MightySat Rx fingertip pulse oximeter for ...

Home July 08, 2015
News | Wearables

June 19, 2015 - ERT announced the integration of a wearable biosensor which captures and wirelessly transmits real-time ...

Home June 19, 2015
News | Patient Monitors

June 9, 2015 - Start-up company GraftWorx was chosen as "Best in Show" at the Mid-Atlantic Bio Angels (MABA) 1st Pitch ...

Home June 09, 2015
disposable medical sensors, market, BCC Research, 2019

June 2, 2015 — According to a new report from BCC Research, the global market for disposable medical sensors grew to $4 ...

Home June 02, 2015
electronic stents, bioresorbable electronic stent, BES
Feature | Stents | Dave Fornell

With the recent innovation of flexible microelectronic sensor circuits that can be made from bioresorbable materials, it ...

Home May 28, 2015
News | Wearables

May 27, 2015 — Kareo announced the launch of its Apple Watch App. This most recent innovation extends the functionality ...

Home May 27, 2015

May 27, 2015 — A microsupercapacitor designed by scientists at Rice University that may find its way into personal and ...

Home May 27, 2015

May 12, 2015 — A team from Stanford University School of Medicine has developed and combined new paper and flexible ...

Home May 12, 2015
An example of flexible electronics made by MC10. These types of wearable devices may soon be used to remotely monitor patients.
Feature | Dave Fornell

Several futuristic technologies and their potential impact on healthcare were discussed during the Future of ...

Home April 29, 2015

U.S. healthcare reform is largely being driven through adoption of new information technology (IT), so it is no wonder ...

Home April 23, 2015
Videos | Information Technology

DAIC/ITN Editor Dave Fornell shows examples of new healthcare IT technology at the 2015 HIMSS meeting that will change ...

Home April 23, 2015
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