Information Technology

This channel includes news and new technology innovations for healthcare information technology (HIT) as it relates to cardiology reporting systems, cardiac PACS, electronic medical records, electronic health records, EMRs, EHRs, radiology PACS integration, clinical decision support, advaned imaging visualization, analytics software and cybersecurity.

Feature | Cardiovascular Information Systems (CVIS) | Dave Fornell, Editor

According to the healthcare IT market research firm KLAS, adopting structured reporting is top of mind in the cardiovasc ...

Home May 01, 2020
This is one of the images from the NIH photo gallery of COVID-19 images it has captured as part of its research on the virus. The full gallery can be found at #COVID19 #SARScov2
Feature | Coronavirus (COVID-19) | By Dave Fornell and Melinda Taschetta-Millane

In an effort to keep the imaging field updated on the latest information being released on coronavirus (COVID-19), the D ...

Home May 04, 2020
News | Coronavirus (COVID-19) | By Melinda Taschetta-Millane

April 4, 2020 — The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) revised its recommendations, stating that everyone ...

Home April 04, 2020
Videos | Coronavirus (COVID-19)

An interview with Ehtisham Mahmud, M.D., FSCAI, chief, Division of Cardiovascular Medicine, executive director of ...

Home March 20, 2020
News | Cardiovascular Business

March 17, 2020 — The Trump Administration today announced expanded Medicare telehealth coverage that will enable ...

Home March 17, 2020
News | CT Angiography (CTA)

March 16, 2020 — The Society of Cardiovascular Computed Tomography (SCCT) released a new expert consensus document on ...

Home March 16, 2020
Feature | HIMSS

March 5, 2020 – Due to the rapidly evolving novel coronavirus (COVID-19) situation in the U.S. and internationally, the ...

Home March 05, 2020
News | Artificial Intelligence

March 4, 2020 — SymphonyAI Group, an operating group of leading business-to-business AI companies, today announced the ...

Home March 04, 2020
AI vendor Infravision's InferRead CT Pneumonia software uses artificial intelligence-assisted diagnosis tp improve the overall efficiency of the radiology department. It is being delayed in China as a high sensitivity detection aid for novel coronavirus pneumonia (COVID-19). #COVID-19 #COVID19 #Coronavirus #2019-nCoV
Feature | Coronavirus (COVID-19)

February 28, 2020 — New healthcare technologies are being implemented in the fight against the novel coronavirus (COVID ...

Home February 28, 2020
Tufts Medical Center created a heart failure team approach to care for its patients. The program includes an interventional heart failure fellowship program, where interventional cardiologists learn more advanced care, as show here with an ECMO procedure being performed in a cath lab at Tufts. The interventional cardiologists learn how to better care for heart failure patients and interface with surgeons, intensivists and others on the HF care team. The operator is Nevin Kapur. Photo by Dave Fornell.
Feature | Heart Failure | Dave Fornell, Editor

There is no, single magic bullet in heart failure (HF) to easily reduce readmission rates or easily reverse this complex ...

Home February 20, 2020
Here is an example of Fitbit data showing comparisons of data from Fitbit users by state. Residents in some states that take more steps in a day typically have lower incidences of diabetes, as showing in this population health big data heat map from consumer-grade wearable health tracking devices..
Feature | Population Health | Dave Fornell, Editor

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) highlights physical activity as one of four key behaviors people ...

Home February 14, 2020
News | Artificial Intelligence

February 13, 2020 — The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) cleared software to assist medical professionals in the ...

Home February 13, 2020
Feature | Artificial Intelligence | Sanjay Parekh, Ph.D. 

February 7, 2020 – At the 2019 Radiological Society of North America (RSNA) meeting in December, there was a record ...

Home February 11, 2020
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