Information Technology

This channel includes news and new technology innovations for healthcare information technology (HIT) as it relates to cardiology reporting systems, cardiac PACS, electronic medical records, electronic health records, EMRs, EHRs, radiology PACS integration, clinical decision support, advaned imaging visualization, analytics software and cybersecurity.

News | Cath Lab Navigation Aids

January 18, 2022 – Philips Healthcare announced physicians will now have access to advanced new 3D image guidance ...

Home January 18, 2022
Sponsored Content | Videos | Cath Lab

Advancements in analytics and data visualizations are helping to streamline operations and improve productivity at ...

Home January 13, 2022
News | Wearables

January 7, 2022 — Abbott announced it is developing a new category of consumer biowearables called Lingo, which is being ...

Home January 07, 2022
News | Cath Lab

December 14, 2021 — RSIP Vision, a medical imaging company applying advanced artificial intelligence (AI) and computer ...

Home December 14, 2021
News | FFR Technologies

December 13, 2021 - HeartFlow Inc., the leader in revolutionizing precision heart care, today announced it has submitted ...

Home December 13, 2021
Videos | Radiation Dose Management

The vendor Radiaction introduced a new type of scatter radiation protection shielding system that mounts to the ...

Home December 10, 2021
The Viz.AI pulmonary embolism response team (PERT) app that uses AI to detect PE on images before they go into PACS, alerts the PERT team members and provides a mobile platform to message, review images and other patient data. Photo by Dave Fornell
Feature | Artificial Intelligence | By Dave Fornell, DAIC Editor

Artificial intelligence (AI) has found a unique niche to help automate the activation of acute care teams for pulmonary ...

Home December 09, 2021
News | ACC

December 7, 2021 — The American College of Cardiology (ACC) has named Ami B. Bhatt, M.D., FACC, as chief innovation ...

Home December 07, 2021
Change Healthcare's web-based CVIS enables remote viewing of echo images and reports. Web-enabled and cloud-native systems have become popular options for new CVIS replacement systems because it is easier to use and opens up access to the cardiac reporting and imaging system.
Feature | Cardiovascular Information Systems (CVIS) | Monique Rasband, Emily Paxman and Sam Eaquinto

While enterprise imaging (EI) is on healthcare organizations’ minds, many currently use multiple vendors for different ...

Home December 06, 2021
News | Artificial Intelligence

December 2, 2021 — Artificial intelligence (AI) vendor DiA Imaging Analysis was featured in a recent study presented by ...

Home December 02, 2021
Webinar | Cardiovascular Information Systems (CVIS)
Home November 27, 2021
News | EP Lab

November 22, 2021 — BioSig Technologies Inc., a medical technology company commercializing an innovative biomedical ...

Home November 22, 2021
Videos | Radiation Dose Management

Dr. Simon Dixon, MBChB, chair of the Department of Cardiovascular Medicine at Beaumont Hospital Royal Oak, the Dorothy ...

Home November 17, 2021
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