Information Technology

This channel includes news and new technology innovations for healthcare information technology (HIT) as it relates to cardiology reporting systems, cardiac PACS, electronic medical records, electronic health records, EMRs, EHRs, radiology PACS integration, clinical decision support, advaned imaging visualization, analytics software and cybersecurity.

Feature | Raissa Rocha
Advancements in technologies are paving the way for many healthcare providers to connect with patients outside their ...
Home February 07, 2014
February 7, 2014 — At Johnston Medical Center in Smithfield N.C., StatVideo’s EchoCart streams real-time images of ...
Home February 07, 2014
American College of Radiology SGR Imaging Mammography Clinical Decision Support
February 7, 2014 — The American College of Radiology (ACR) strongly supports the bicameral, bipartisan legislation to ...
Home February 07, 2014
Feature | Neomi Mullens, Acendian Healthcare Consulting
February 6, 2014 — The topic of radiation safety and radiation dose monitoring has moved from state-specific regulations ...
Home February 06, 2014
Mercom Capital Group Venture Capital Funding Healthcare IT
February 5, 2014 — Mercom Capital Group LLC, a global communications and consulting firm, released its annual report on ...
Home February 05, 2014
GlobalMed CapSure Cloud CT Systems Radiation Dose Management Clinical Decision
February 5, 2014 — GlobalMed’s CapSure Cloud application can eliminate a second radiation dose by making an initial CT ...
Home February 05, 2014
Feature | Dave Fornell
Stage 2 meaningful use guidelines for electronic medical records (EMRs) suggest use of clinical decision support (CDS) ...
Home February 03, 2014
CVIS, cardiovascular information system
Feature | Jen Ireland, Ascendian Healthcare Consulting
The push for healthcare to be digitally transformed and paper-free means having access to electronic medical records ...
Home February 03, 2014
Feburary 3, 2014 — Blackford Analysis, a provider of software products that accelerate comparison of medical images ...
Home February 03, 2014
radiation dose management, monitoring
Feature | Mats Björnemo
Radiation dose continues to rise as the number of computed tomography (CT), nuclear, angiography and fluoroscopy ...
Home February 03, 2014
Feature | Williette Nyanue

Physicians have used radiation in medicine for more than a century. The use of radiation in diagnostic imaging ...

Home February 03, 2014
January 31, 2014 — Ascendian Healthcare Consulting announced a service line to assist clients with planning, design ...
Home January 31, 2014
Best in KLAS 2013 Software Service Cardiology
January 30, 2014 — New leaders, new categories, new Best in KLAS segments and an aethetic overhaul are some of the ...
Home January 30, 2014
syngo.via, Siemens, iPhone, remote image access
Feature | Dave Fornell

As the world becomes more wired and mobile devices offer instant access to e-mail, apps and the Web, it is only natural ...

Home January 21, 2014
Feature | Dave Fornell
The Cardiovascular Research Foundation’s Transcatheter Cardiovascular Therapeutics (TCT) 2013 offers many new insights ...
Home January 20, 2014
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